6 Jun 2014

Coca-Cola 2nd Lives | Bottles with Alternative Uses

Coca-Cola continues its crusade to think more responsibly about the lasting impact of their products with the next installment of their "Open Happiness" campaign. Entitled "2nd Lives", this campaign shares alternative ways to reuse their iconic bottle, giving it a whole new function, and whole new life after its primary goal.

We know plastic bottles aren't good, but we may as well make the most of them until we find the alternative. I'm up for a water gun fight this summer.

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  1. i hate to admit it but my coca cola is my addiction. i consider myself eating really healthy but this thing, i just can't take it off my system! so yeah, pretty much obsessed with this post!! XD

  2. I watched this a few days ago. The guys at Coca Cola are brilliant!


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