11 Dec 2013

Christmas Gifts Under £80 - Canon IXUS 132

best digital cameras under £100, canon ixus 132, canon digital camera, best canon digital camera, mens lifestyle blog
best digital cameras under £100, canon ixus 132, canon digital camera, best canon digital camera, mens lifestyle blog

Over the past years or so I've had quite a few comments regarding which type camera I use for my photos, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to include one in my "Christmas Gifts" series. Currently I use two cameras, a Canon 350D SLR and Canon IXUS compact. My SLR has served me very well since I bought it about 5 years ago. It helped me get a decent grade at uni and has travelled the world with me, but if I'm totally honest my Canon compact has been my best camera purchases to date.

I bought the Canon IXUS 95IS after reading decent reviews online and I have never looked back. It cost me £85 at the time and it takes a darn a good photo, coping with most conditions you throw at it. I shoot the majority of my blog photos with my compact, here's a few of examples - Savannah Photo Diary, Abstract Mickey, Store Visit...Weavers Door. It's small enough to stick in your back pocket, plus from experience, it can handle a fair few scraps.

I'm keen to hear about which cameras you use and recommend, let me know in the comments.

The Canon IXUS 132 is an update to the 95IS and is available for £79 at Park Cameras.


  1. I've been saying I want a new camera lately. I currently have a Fuji but its about 9 years old! Still works great but I just feel like it's time for a new one. Great review!

  2. Anonymous22:49

    Don't be daft! You create a lot of interesting content, I'm just too half arsed to keep up with a lot of blogger going ons when I get back from work! It's cool how you post everyday, I need this motivation. I'm thinking for the new year a fresh start is needed for me blog wise. I'd like to open up more about it with people I know, which is why I don't have a facebook or advertise etc... I don't want folks who know me to think I'm pretentious in anyway.

    I remember being really into The Horrors at one point and remember they wore winklepickers, with their mega long daddy long legs!

    Oh properly interesting stuff! I like the Jew Crew phase you used there too ha! Yeah it was the olive skin that made me think Italian, you're right there. Good guess with the Irish, I've got 1/4 in me, which probably explains my pasty skin, just sucks my irish impersonation is proper pants!

    I've started to like TKMaxx again, I used to go out with someone who worked there and after that went down the pan it just put me off the store in general stupidly haha. I popped in recently and they have some fantastic coats, you can swag a good bargain in there! As I've got older I've thought more about where the actual clothes originate and it's rather satisfying knowing a piece of clothing you own was made to a fantastic standard ethically. I'm in the process of gutting my wardrobe and trying to get into the mind set of saving for that special piece that has great quality rather than 3 of the same from New Look for instance.

  3. Anonymous22:58

    I also took your advice on the Canon by the way! I got myself a little bride point and shoot and splurged on a canon 600d when I saw the cashback deal - it's a beaut! Your little compact takes a sharp picture, I had always wondered what you used. After using a Nikon for years I can definitely say Canons are superior on this front from experience!

  4. I don't have any compact cameras like this but I used to have samsung ones and they were very good (also rather cheap). your photographs are always lovely and it is amazing that they come from this camera!

    Katrina Sophia Blog

  5. This seems like a really good compact, looking at the Savannah Diary. It's definitely worth considering, I only got my first camera last year, a Nixon CoolPix - not sure if i'm using it correctly or it just doesn't take photos that good.

  6. I checked out your links with the photos taken with the compact and you have 100% sold me. I've been considering purchasing a smaller camera for a while now - I love my 60D but I baby it only taking it with me for certain occasions. Something small for the everyday so I don't miss out on choice shots would be nice and I think the IXUS 132 is it. Thanks for the heads up, Mat!


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