10 Dec 2011

Blown Away

What a weird week. Normal proceedings have totally been put on hold as the weather took a turn for the worse. Anyone in the UK will know what I'm talking about. Up to 90mph winds became the norm for each day and the whole island got every other weather condition (other than the hot stuff) you can think of thrown at us.

So because of this I couldn't take the photos I had planned, outside was a no-go and I did try inside but it was just too gloomy. The competition I had planned for this week will hopefully go ahead next week now, because of this. As soon as we're due a bit of clear weather I'll be grabbing my slr as quick as poss.

It's been a slow news week overall, other than I've taken on another part time job as a class room assistant at the university I went to. I'll be helping out in the first year class with a few bits and bobs, sporadic hours but it keeps me creative. So that's 3 part time jobs now, still not equalling a full time wage but you have to start somewhere!

Above are a couple of images I haven't posted before which are reminding me how much more I prefer Autumn to Winter. The North Pier, the oldest in Blackpool, built 1863 and my square face Muji watch worn with bottle green jumper and wool jacket. Have a lovely weekend.


  1. that pier photo is just wonderful.

  2. Anonymous22:57

    What a funky watch design! Rather quirky!

    The winds have been terrible, it's made my trips to uni less enjoyable than usual. I too prefer Autumn to winter. I'm not a snow fan really, unless I'm stuck inside, watching a film with a cuppa in hand!

    Good news with the class room assistant, congratulations. It all goes onto your C.V and it's all experience after all! Did you have to do the PGCE course to get it by any chance?

    I just have the one job along with uni. I've always had the dream of doing something freelance, on esty perhaps. I always think would I be wasting my time though, but to earn enough to live and work freelance would be my dream job I think.

  3. Lovely watch!

    I have been fearful of the high wind speeds. Quite frankly I am a great coward as they have not been that severe here in London!

  4. It was very windy here in the Dam too. Very dodgy crossing bridges. At one point I lifted my leg to step up a pavement and it went in a completely different direction, weird feeling. It is wonderful the pier still looks so good. When you see dates like that you (well I do)start thinking about everything that has happened i that place over the years and how things have changed. I am sitting in a building that has the date 1633 on the front and I regularly find myself thing wow. I also much prefer Autumn than what we have now. Great pictures here Mat. I am happy to hear you are working. Something good will come. Xxxx

  5. I´m team autumn too! By far one of the best seasons, not too cold, not too hot... and at least in this side of the world it comes with the feeling of hope of a new year starting over! what more can i ask.

    Hope the winds stopand evrything comes back to normal! have a great week!


  6. that watch is killer cool. your weather sounds pretty fun too though - i like dramatic weather :)

  7. The North Pier looks good! I've only been to Blackpool when it was foggy so couldn't admire it properly. Thanks for commenting on my blog - it's cool to discover another northwest blogger!

  8. I love that watch. So stark. It's so weird hearing about the weather extremes - it could be another country. It has mostly just been cold and wet in London, nothing very dramatic!

  9. I've got a Muji watch too, it always draws compliments. They're such bargains, aren't they! It was really windy the only time I've been to Blackpool, I can only imagine how crazy it must have been with the gales that were blowing around the North West. I don't think anyone can blame you for wanting to stay indoors.

  10. The autumn light is truly wonderful, whereas in winter one is happy to catch a moment of light. Wonderful pier and seaside photography!

  11. I love that packaging too, with the fancy writing at the top. It's always really colourful too.

    That wool jacket looks so cosy !

  12. Lovely!

  13. Anonymous15:21

    I know what you mean about the winds, I don't even live on the coast and I nearly got blown into a bus in the city centre the other day!
    That watch is brilliant! I'm still on the hunt for Christmas presents for the Mr and had completely forgotten to look in Muji - cheers for reminding me :) x

  14. I do love autumn, I like the snow in winter as well though!

  15. It has been so windy in Zurich too. There's a massive Christmas tree outside our flat in a square and I keep watching it getting blown around wondering when it's going to topple over...

    Anyway. Love your watch. The shape is super cool. xx

  16. Love that muji watch! very interesting shape! I wish we had a muji in Newcastle :(


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