20 Apr 2013



Make up hundreds of little creations and combos with this 74-piece colourful building set, made using enviro-friendly rubber wood. Created by Miller Goodman, PlayShapes are available at my new favourite online store, GeneralGood. Neato.

The weekend has come around again so quick,  it feels like only yesterday I was wish you a happy one  and here we are again. I'll be taking the time to catch up on some of my fav blogs, I may even go for a stroll in the park. Very leisurely. Any plans guys?


  1. These look seriously AMAZING

  2. These are really cool, they kind of remind me of those cityscapes you can buy in Muji! <3 Claire @ Jazzpad

  3. Anonymous22:26

    Those look like pretty nifty toys. Love the last set up, check out that tashe!

    Same here with saving, been looking into some courses. I've seen a 3 month graphic design one at manchester's shillington college. The price makes my stomach churn though, but it looks a fantastic place with solid reviews, plus the 3 month course time seems better than the 2 year ones I've seen. Fine Art wasn't worth it though which makes me have doubts with further study. For now I'll think practical.

    I had an interview last week for NEXT, not something I'm mad about but all I have on my mind is saving at the minute so I hope I hear back soon!

  4. wow those are awesome! is it weird that i love good design for toys for wesley? no weirdo talking plastic things here!

  5. Anonymous22:21

    How cool are these!

  6. These are -super cool-!!! Thank you for sharing the link!

  7. These are very cool! a little expensive, but still fab!


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