23 Sept 2012

5 Years of Goodhood

The Goodhood Store of London recently celebrated 5 years in business with an exclusive range of products in collaboration with some of their favourite brands and people. The range has been created with their specifically to the store's tastes. I love a bit of Goodhood and here's a few things that took my fancy. My favoruite piece is probably the Norse Projects polka dot shop jacket, tasty stuff. There's tons more ace stuff in the collection, check the whole range out here.

Enjoy what's left of your weekend dudes, and remember to support your local.


  1. Love the baseball t shirt. Interesting about the supergas. I might give them a miss for the mo. My vans are more comfy than my converses and I quite fancy a pair of new balance... I just want all the trainers!

  2. I didn't know about this brand but I love it, amazing design!

  3. Nice style, as always. I need that umbrella in my life as soon as possible. Definitely checking out that link for the rest of their stuff.

  4. They have nice patterns in their stuff huh? Lovely!

  5. My favourite piece is the umbrella! Pretty cool touch for those rainy grey boring days!

  6. That brolly would makes this weather a bit more bearable. The rest of that stuff isn't too bad either

  7. I need this umbrella! Love its print. Especially because my poor umbrella broke today from the horrible rain today! x

  8. That tote is too cool!

  9. They have nice stuff in that store, especially accessories...

  10. soo clean, wish they had this in LA


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