19 Jun 2012

The Hill-Side & Co. Short Videos

Today I wanted to share with you some amazing 10 second videos by The Hill-Side & Co. The Brooklyn, New York based small accessories connoisseur usually concentrate on ties, pocket squares, scarfs and smaller good but they have recently extended their range to clothing, hats, bags and quite excitingly, furniture.

It's amazing what you can do in such a short period of time, I cannot think of a better way to spend 10 seconds. I don't tend to post videos much but please do watch them, trust me you won't regret it!

The Hill-Side & Co. is available at Hickoree's Hard Goods. For more of their videos click here


  1. theses are pretty cool. I especially like the wand/handbag one.

  2. Hi I found you through Jens blog,I'm from Lancashire!Lived in Blackpool till I was five. Great to find a male blogger. Liking the ties! Sharon


  3. They're wonderful! I'm loving all the creativity you can find in videos these days - commercial or not. We started playing around with stop motion films... so much fun!

  4. ha! my dog liked the sounds :)

  5. love them!! boat shoes are my favourite. clever and creative xo

  6. down right amazing. So glad you posted this. Much inspiration. I'll have to keep you posted when I launch my line of small goods soon if you're interested.

  7. This are the best advertises i've ever seen!!!! and you're right.. well spent those 10 seconds. The denim bag one is my favourite.

  8. Oh wow, these are fantastic. I really like it when a brand can use video in a very quick snappy way to catch attention.


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