25 Jun 2011

The Next Chapter

It's fun to be a tourist in your own town. This is me celebrating it up big style, I finished uni with a 2:1, so now I’m officially a Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Promotion & Marketing.

It's job hunting time now, anyone want me?


  1. Congrats on finishing uni!

  2. Anonymous20:40

    Congratulations! That's a really fantastic result, well done. Hope you have some well deserved 'me time'!

    Time really does fly, I'll be in my 3rd year September but it really just seems like yesterday that my interveiw was taking place.

  3. I love the photo! So touristy. :]

  4. congratulations, well deserved! yes, i like to do the touristy thing too. although i'm not originally from newcastle so it's probably easier for me. you can look at a place with fresh eyes, especially with a camera in hand.

    i loved hearing how you & hollie met too...so romantic ;-)

  5. well done on your 2:1!
    the thought of not have the education barrier around me sounds frightening. all these years of education has come up to that day when u finally have to start looking for a job in your field. scary shit.

    kinda just ignoring it atm, i have 4 years to go!

  6. Congratulations!
    I hope that you've already visited souvenirs shop :P

  7. Ha! That photo is an absolute classic! Nice camo/backpack combo

  8. I love being a tourist! Not in my own town though, it's really too boring for that.

  9. Anonymous11:41

    hello just wondering did you create the blog title font at the top of the page? if so, did you use illustrator? :) thanks in advance! xoxo

  10. good luck with your job hunting. i'm sure you'll find a good job. :)


  11. Congrats on finishing school! How I wish I were in your shoes...

    And I agree, being a tourist in your own town is fun!

    Good luck job-hunting xx

  12. Congrats! I'm dreading my results, our course is a tricky one to get a 2.1 for.

  13. Congrats Mat! Love the pic! xxx

  14. massive, massive well done! a 2:1 is amazing (: aha, and tourist days are ridiculously fun, i love pretending to lack english speaking skills when i'm in shops and restaurants ;)

  15. Congrats! It must feel refreshing to finally complete school. There's a whole new adventure of life awaiting you.

    And of course, you look stylish!

    Happy love your way!

    hope to hear from you*!

  16. This is awesome. Congratulations! x hivenn

  17. Anonymous18:53

    Me and my friend ae considering moving to London after we graduate although it's very, very pricey. A weeks rent there is a months around here which is crazy but I really enjoy the atmosphere of London, I find it really care free. If we did move down there I'd prefer to take the bus, something about the tube wasn't pleasent, felt really confined!

  18. Congrats Mat!!! This is great! And you so deserve the support!


  19. Hah! Classic tourist shot. Blackpool is such an awesome city. I was born in Southport so Blackpool was like our cheeky getaway when we were kids. The illuminations still make me giddy.

    Congrats on finishing. You have a bright future, kid ;)

  20. I came across your blog for the first time today and really think it is super! Congrats on your 2:1

    Ellie Rose xxx

  21. Congratulations on your 2.1: me too! Jealous of you heading out into the real world, though - have fun out there!

  22. Blackpool is lookin good

  23. That photo IS such a classic! (to paraphrase J/styleeast).

    Congratulations, Mat Buckets! I don't know what a 2:1 is (I saw your comment on Sabine's post, Nottingham for Dummies, and realised I hadn't visited for a while) but I do know what a Bachelor of Arts is, and that's a good thing!

    What kind of work do you want? Is it graphic design? That's what I did in NY (& here, for a bit) - where do you want to be? London? Just how far north ARE you???

  24. Congrats and good luck! Haha and who needs the leaning tower?

  25. Congratulations, Mat! 2:1 hey?!... I would take you, but sadly I'm not in the arts field and heading a department in which you've got to speak German... Mmmh. But I'm sure you'll find something good soon.

  26. Aw man, congratulations, you must be chuffed!

    Hope you're enjoying Edinburgh! x

  27. anon - i used illustrator yes, just chose my font and messed with it till i was happy

  28. Hey Mat!

    How did I not congratulate you? I could have sworn I left you a long comment.. maybe I forgot to actually submit it. Anyway, congratulations - love this shot, it really is a classic. Congratulations on the 2:1 (don't really understand what that is, but it sounds good) - are you looking for work in graphic design?

    Where will you live now? Any plans to come to London?

  29. We're in the same boat over here! Anyone want to give us two jobs? Anyone? Anyone? :P

  30. Great shot and congratulations on your result. Xxxx

  31. Wonderful photos, colors, details you have in your blog! I'm glad I happened upon it. Congratulations on your 2.1, I know how hard that is to earn!


  32. Last year is my senior year of college and I'm freaked, but not to the point where I've actually found something to do with my life. I want to go to grad school, I just don't know which one. I'm afraid of settling!

  33. Massive congratulations!


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