22 Oct 2009

Clothes for all types of Folk

Another email that caught my eye today was the weekly newsletter from oki-ni, but for the first time it actually made me smile. The email was all about "Winter Warmers", which included lots of woollies from Pendleton, Jil Sander and Folk.

What made me smile so much was the Folk "People" cardigan, I you can guarantee if anyone saw you on the street or at the shops wearing it, it would instantly make them smile too. Setting of a snowball effect of smiles, from person to person as you go about your regular day. I am all for this!

The Folk cardigan in question, in bright red with little characters circling the bottom of the sleeves.

Close up of the sleeves, I love how childlike and non-descript they look. Gives them a playful cartoony feel.

You can also snap yourself up a matching "People" scarf, just imagine the joy on people's somewhat usually glum Winter faces.

Cardigan, scarf and images from oki-ni


  1. I really like the colouring and design fo teh cardigan and scarf!!very "folk".i love the colouring on the scarf

  2. Ugh, the Oki-Ni emails drive me crazy.. what really gets to me is that in my experience they only answer email enquiries very erratically (not just customer service, even PR enquiries, even though they seem to be desperate to plug their product on blogs) but they NEVER fail to send out countless emails, regular as clockwork, about the latest overpriced Japanese socks they received.. grr!

  3. ha haps you badass! but yeah there is alot of them isn't there. they mostly don't get looked on a whole i'm sure. Just like the damn topman ones too!

  4. hahaha, I can't believe this.. the latest Oki-Ni email (which just popped into my inbox) actually DOES have Japanese socks featured, which cost £35 a pair.. I was just taking the piss, I had no idea they really DID do overpriced Japanese socks!

  5. i know! you predicted the future there, are are they just that readable?! i'll stick to my 1.99 uniqlo socks and im sure you will do too


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