25 Sept 2009

Went out for magazines....

So I got up early on my day off to go through to Preston, the nearest city from where I live and also where I go to uni. In my mind I had magazines, I also needed to get a few necessities too. After a nice hour long coffee and reading session in Starbucks (the paninis are hotter than the sun aren't they?) I headed off to TKmaxx. If I remember rightly the American version is called TJmaxx? Well I picked up these dusty blue desert boots by a Scandinavian brand called Shoo. I know nothing about this brand but I do know they make an amazing range of shoes.

Reminiscent to the Acne boots from the new S/S collection and Paul Smith ones that have just been released.

I just love the little details on them, the one white eyelet and the light bit stitch below. They were a steal too so I was well chuffed.

I did get what I went out for too, I picked up Noise, 10 Men and Dazed & Confused. There's some great editorials in Dazed, the whole issue is themed on Frankenstein. The image image of the front page features a leather strap mask by Gareth Pugh. I'll take some pics of them soon.


  1. This is preposterous. I don't think I'd ever run to anything from a Scandinavian brand at TJMaxx over here, the closest thing to "fashion" I'd get is made-for-department-store Calvin Klein and last last season Sperrys. Great buy, love the dusty blue!

  2. i know, im lucky. they're a teeny bit small but i don't care. they will work

  3. V. nice loot. Those boots remind so much of the Grenson pair...


  4. my thoughts exactly, i had to get them. could'nt believe my luck. under £30 too.

  5. I love the shoes! Very versatile, a really good find!!

    p.s. thanks for following my blog, not sure how to recipricate though, not been at this blogging business for too long!

  6. razzi - alls your need to do is add my blog url to your "following blogs" on the your home page of blogger. And ive been trying to leave comments on your blog but it doesn't seem to work, is there something wrong or have you disabled them?

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