14 Jul 2009

"Cool Bits" - Black Hole Music College

This is the Black Hole building at the Senzoku Kaguen College of Music in Tokyo. All I can say is a wish my uni building looked like this, I can only imagine that nobody can be in a bad mood at this campus. The colours used are so punchy, it's such a simple idea, even the fonts used on the wall is fairly basic but just so well executed.

The building itself features a recording studio, multimedia studios and specially design practice studios for jazz, pop and
rock music. The brains behind this design is Architech and Designer, Naoki Terada.

Images from The Cool Hunter


  1. Really digging the building reminds me a lot of the Girl skateboard company actually in its styling and color schemes

  2. Hot! I wonder if this type of interior ages well though.

  3. maybe not but it's good at the time. thats for sure

  4. It's so fun & funky - I love it!

  5. Oh, this is cool.. I don't know if I could live with so much colour personally though

  6. somethings things like this are better when they're not yours, this is true.


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