20 Jan 2016

Yasumi Says | A Slight Obsession with Japanese Manhole Covers

When I'm in Japan I often keep my eyes to the ground while I cheat on my wall spotting obsession with a spot of drain spotting.

Stylised manhole covers in Japan vary in design depending on the locality, utility and manufacturer of the cover. They nearly always feature a motif symbolic to the area, which could be a local landmark, plant, animal or even a local legend. The most common theme are trees apparently.

I've read that the trend begun in 80s, at the desk of a bright spark Construction Ministry bureaucrat who was trying to raise awareness for big money sewage works by making them more palatable and appealing to grumbling taxpayers. A few regional design contests later, the manhole trend boomed and soon municipalities up and down the country were all at it. Apparently there are more than 6,000 different designs gazing out of the tarmac of Japan today.

I love how artistic expression can be found even in the most mundane of places in Japan. The manhole covers are so fun and also allow each region to express themselves individually. I have focussed on the less colourful covers here but there are some really vibrant ones out there. Take a look at this mighty fine (so fine it might blow your mind) collection of manhole covers collected by S. Morita who's dedicated years travelling across Japan photographing them.

You can find Yasumi at - Worship Blues | Twitter | Insatgram


  1. Incredible attention to detail, making something so mundane into a work of art. I'd love to visit Japan!

    The All Night Listening Post

  2. Incredible attention to detail, making something so mundane into a work of art. I'd love to visit Japan!

  3. these are FASCINATING. very, very clever - the attention to detail is remarkable.

  4. Those are actually amazing! Such beautiful designs on unassuming things.

  5. Wow, never knew about this. I feel as if the Japanese have an amazing attention to detail. To think that sewage covers could be so beautiful. It's wonderful :)

    Enclothed Cognition/Bloglovin

  6. Stuart22:43

    They do look quite cool,I don't think they'd last that long in Manchester,the Japanese have a great eye for detail.

  7. Quite unusual aren't they.

  8. I don't think they would last long in London either - I reckon they would get teefed in a heartbeat.

  9. The attention to detail is quite amazing and though Japanese generally accept it as part of their lifestyle it is so much more apparent when you are a visitor to the country or Japanese living abroad. Then you really notice it.

  10. Cool aren't they Jane? I plod about staring at the ground hoping to see one I've not yet seen before.

  11. I like that too. The mundane need not be so hmmmm......mundane if we add just a bit extra attention and detail to it. Or maybe it's just about our levels of perception? I dunno! But I love these manhole covers!

  12. Could use a little bit of that beauty and creativity over here in Philly

  13. DARIAN DOK03:18

    Those a very nice and well designed

  14. So cool, I love the details on them!

    Katrina Sophia

  15. i always love a story behind the item. and i love people who find out these behind stories and tell them to the rest of us! :)


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