4 Jan 2016

Made Emerging Talent | Shark Chair + Hook Bookshelf

Rodnik Shark Fin Chair made.com
Rodnik Shark Fin Chair made.com
Rodnik Shark Fin Chair made.com
 The Shark Fin Chair as seen in Philip's home

Made is a store that surely everyone knows by now. Their ads make a fairly frequent showing on the tube (sorry if I’m being very London-centric here); but, even if you don’t visit our capital often, you’ll likely know them from some of their TV + online ads. My favourite piece has to be the Rodnik Shark Fin Chair. Check those teeth!

Less well known, perhaps, will be their Emerging Talent Award: a competition that gives aspiring designs a chance to have their product built and sold by Made.com.

We went along to their London showroom recently to see some of the entries and took a shine to the Hook Bookshelf. Designed by Valeria Milan and Stefano Tolomio, the bookcase is colourful and minimal - just what we expect from Made.com - but it’s also hugely versatile and requires no tools to change around once built.

The Hook Bookshelf didn’t win - the prize went to this Overlap Storage system; well deserved winners, for sure. I doubt it’s the last we’ll hear of the Hook Bookshelf though or, indeed, from the designers behind it.

Looking forward to the 2016 Emerging Talent Award already. I’m sure it’ll reveal some more design gems.

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  1. Adhi wahyudi15:33

    omg, cute to die


  2. daisychaindream15:55

    That chair!

  3. Love that chair :)

  4. Such a fun chair! I'm enjoying the Made products, had never run across any ads in the US.

  5. Love all all the stuff on Made. I could spend a fortune with them. That shark chair is awesome!

  6. Damn that chair is pretty amazing.

    Rae | Love from Berlin

  7. Everyone loves this chair! :-)

  8. You've not wrong! Bought some presents from my Mum their this Christmas and they look ace.

  9. I think they might be expanding...or perhaps they already have. Probably quite small time in such a big market like the States though!

  10. hena tayeb14:51

    that chair is so cool..interesting collection

  11. You don't see many like it.

  12. Loads of fun isn't it!

  13. I do need a new office chair, but this would be nuts.


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