19 Jun 2015

Pothole Street Art by Jim Bachor

Ever seen a hole in the road? Ever driven over one? Of course you have! They're annoying and unsightly, but instead of filling them with tarmac, what about something a little more aesthetic? That's what Jim Bachor does. We'd bet money that you've never driven over any like these before.

Pot hole art! It's awesome, and should surely catch on. His work can currently be found across Chicago, but we'd love to see some of it in and around the UK. Get grouting people! See more here.

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  1. Pot hole art...I love this...such a beautiful idea!

  2. Maria Fallon14:00

    These are lovely, I might actually smile at potholes for once! ;)

    Maria xxx

  3. oh these are really great!

  4. It is awesome, we definitely need more of those!

  5. Rainer Mata04:23

    wow this is so cool!



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