14 Mar 2014

Beer & Design | Brixton Brewery, Five Points + Caveman Brewery

lifestyle blog, beer packagaing design, label design beer, british beer, brixton beer london, british made larger
lifestyle blog, beer packagaing design, label design beer, british beer, brixton beer london, british made larger, caveman brewery,

There are so many new breweries in London now. Every pub seems to be offering up a beer from somewhere within the M25. No bad thing at all, of course. And with such strong competition comes some striking designs from the breweries - an effort to stand out from the crowd.

Every brewery has a different style. Three that I think really stand out and show the range of styles on offer are the hugely colourful electric labels from Brixton Brewery, the characterful pump clips from Caveman Brewery (from Darren Turner), and the clever, clean, and sharp clips from Five Points Brewing Co.

The scandal is that, of the three, I’ve only tried beers from Brixton Brewery - their Reliance Ale in particular has a deliciously deep fruity flavour - something I mean to rectify very soon.

If you have any other favourite pump clip or label designs, tweet them to us - Nik.

You can find Nik on his blogTwitter + Instagram.

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  1. Only entered one brewery in my life. In NYC, a couple of years ago -and never drank a thing, because I was working (taking photos). But I'm SO gonna go back there this Summer and try what they have to offer.
    And those bottles... love the design. The second photo designs are equally awesome, and so manly (suppose it's the Caveman's).

  2. I am such a sucker for packaging, and so this brixton brewery one really appeals to me - and I don't even like beer! Might buy some and get the boyfriend to drink them, just so I can keep the bottle...

    {Teffy's Perks} X

  3. Breweries are the only thing M is interested in at the moment, he's trying to get me to go to some of the ones in London... Not convinced as yet.

    Loving the packaging on these though, the design is awesome - so many of the new breweries have wicked designs.

    Hmm maybe...

  4. I've been known to judge a beer based on it's packaging. :) This one looks pretty good!

  5. p.s. If anyone wants to visit a brewery without leaving home, check out: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.489512,0.00742,3a,75y,106.25h,90t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1s6ChwIjzYCHsAAAQIt2sm8A!2e0!3e2!6m1!1e1

  6. Do you happen to know if any of these offer gluten-free beers?

  7. Very cool design, I'd love to try one

  8. Great marketing, I'd be curious to taste!


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