13 Feb 2014

Surreal Photography by Kevin Corrado

Surrealism fascinates me, and has done so since I first visited the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Fl about 6/7 years ago. I was drawn in by its ability to confuse, surprise and make my brain ache. It's straight up wacky and keeps me totally captivated. Before that visit I had an interest in art (did the whole art college thing, always enjoyed going to galleries and drawing since and early age) but it didn't move me to the point where I could confidently say, "I'm really into that because...", and therefore a lot of it just went over my head.

In a funny way Surrealism helped me start to understand and appreciate other movements and art forms, it made me look at subjects differently and challenged my regular reaction of disregarding something simply because I "didn't like it". I've said it before but Dali, you blummin' genius. After the visit I started to obsess over his life and work, even those weird chocolate commercials he did!

I came across Kevin Corrado's take on surrealism when doing my daily online search. His photography jumped out at me for having a whimsical quality, and in a strange way, being quite calming (even though each subject could be viewed as sinister). These are not qualities which I normally associate with the likes of Dali, Magritte and Kush, but then again the Surrealism movement taught me to question my preconceptions.

Art isn't a subject that crops up much on here anymore but I'd love to heard what you're all currently into, have you been to any good exhibitions or galleries lately?

See more artwork here.

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  1. Incredible!! The first one is my favourite. SO so cool.
    I love photography, and this are fascinating to look at.

    {Teffy's Perks} X

  2. Surrealism is a amazing form of art, I love it because it can hold so many meanings (:

  3. Really like this kinds of art/photography, the second image is my favourite!


  4. Anonymous16:54

    oooh! This makes me want to get into my photoshop and try it out! so cool.

  5. These photos are so fascinating and inspiring, thanks for sharing them!

    Never Not Inspired

  6. That is amazing, photography like this is what makes me love photography

  7. I love the modern take on surrealism. I think it's such a fun genre that really twists the mind.

  8. These are fantastic! I've always appreciated the dreamy quality of surrealistic art/photography. Haven't been to a gallery/museum in ages but I'd really like to when the weather permits. Hope you're taking stay clear of those gale force winds.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  9. Anonymous23:49

    Big up the Surrealist movement! I remember a lot of my sixth form work was in the style and focused upon Dali. There's some great doc's on youtube about his life also, he was definitely an odd chap though.

    I still feel like that with art; a lot of it does over my head! Especially on my fine art course *shudders* it really frustrates me looking back at the yada that came out of some of my lecturers mouths.

    I find these photographs absolutely stunning, especially the last one, pretty eerie.

    I'm not sure if this of interest but on twitter today someone tweeted about this artist, it's definitely a mind blowing experience.... http://www.boredpanda.com/incredible-self-portraits-eloy-morales/

    Katie » Tattyboots

  10. My friend is a huge Dali/Surrealism fan so we looked at quite a bit of it when we were in Europe together. I don't know that much about art but I do have fun looking at surrealist works. I've never really looked at surreal photographs before, though, I like the last one especially!

  11. These pictures are really incredible. I especially like the one with the door in the middle of the road. Something about the colours and strong graphic lines really works.

    Latest exhibition I saw was Edvard Munch in Zurich. It totally wasn't what I was expecting but it was really beautiful. If it ever comes to a museum close to you I'd really recommend checking him out.


  12. This is so cool! Am I the only one that thinks the 1st photo is hilarious?

  13. these are incredible! love the last one!

  14. they are amazing, really liking the top one because I can't figure it out - it seems calm as well as sinister like you said.. i love dali too, his melting clock is just great.

    ashamedely havent been to any galleries for a while but I am planning to visit one when I next arrange to meet my pal in few weeks time, havent researched in which one i am going though.

    Katrina Sophia Blog


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