22 Oct 2013

Wedding Ideas - DIY Confetti Balloons

DIY Confetti Balloons via Studio DIY. I can't wait to show Hollie this, she's going to love it. Potentially a really cool idea for our wedding I reckon. Plus it looks pretty easy to recreate, so it's something I could actually lend a hand with. Win win. Does anyone remember the Balloon Invitation I made?

Visit Studio DIY for instructions.


  1. Love the balloons!

  2. Confetti and balloons - genius pairing! Thinking these in red/white/green would make for some pretty cheery Christmas decorations too.

  3. I just had a look at the balloon invitation, how clever! Looks really good :) I like this DIY idea too, very cook. Have you started a pinterest wedding board yet?

  4. So cool! These would be fun for a photo shoot.

  5. lovely idea, it will be a hit for your wedding x

  6. Oh, I love this! An elegant way to use playful props.
    Here's how I found your blog: Every time I comment on Hollie's blog, you are ALWAYS the comment before me. So I thought if someone is a friend of Hollie, then he must be okay. Loving your blog to pieces.

  7. I love this and I'm sure it'll be awesome for your wedding (btw when is it?)!

  8. Anything with glitter is good. (Okay, maybe not -anything- but most things. ) :) I hope you guys take a lot of pics when your big day comes! I bet it will be a beautiful wedding!

  9. These look so good!

  10. Aww congrats, I didn't realise you were getting married! Huge congrats Mat : )


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