5 Sept 2013

#whatmattersmost with John Lewis - Collectables

vinylmation urban series 6 maria clapsis, walt disney world toys, disney figures, collectable vinyl toys, designer maria clapsis graphics
vinylmation urban series 6 maria clapsis, walt disney world toys, disney figures, collectable vinyl toys, designer maria clapsis graphics
vinylmation urban series 6 maria clapsis, walt disney world toys, disney figures, collectable vinyl toys, designer maria clapsis graphics
vinylmation urban series 6 maria clapsis, walt disney world toys, disney figures, collectable vinyl toys, designer maria clapsis graphics
Vinylmation Urban Series 6 by Maria Clapsis

What matters most to me? This question popped into my inbox this morning. This week John Lewis are running a competition across  their social networks to find out about the stuff that really matters to each of us. Friends and family are the first thought but that's too obvious; that got me thinking about what I really love. As a few of you may know, over the past couple of months I've made a conscious decision to take Buckets & Spades on full time, because it's what matters the most to me. The easy answer from a blogger's perspective would be laptop and camera, these are of course high priority but what makes sitting in front of a computer screen all day much more enjoyable is being surrounded by all the ace collectables and oddments I've accumulated over the years. See my other Vinylmation figure hereSo, #whatmattersmost to you?

As part of the campaign, John Lewis are asking the public to join in and share the things that mean a lot, by creating a short videos on Vine and sharing it on Twitter using the hashtag #whatmattersmost. Everyone that does this will be entered into the #whatmattersmost competition to win either £1000 John Lewis Vouchers or one of three Canon 700D (Best purchases I've ever made, other than Hollie's engagement ring that is!).

If you would like to enter the John Lewis #whatmattersmost competition* you'll have to get your skates on, it ends this Sunday 8th September! 


  1. maybe i should start to think about downloading vine apps on my android if there are any...

  2. I just can't get into vine. Probably when everyone is over it, I'll find it amusing. I'm always late to the game. :]

    I'm with you on the camera/computer thing. I'd be lost without mine!

  3. Too hard a question! though obviously cameras are precious, especially as they're so bloody expensive!

  4. hmmm this is a tough one! i'll have to have a think and get back to you. Great competition, i am actually looking to upgrade my camera, in the middle of researching. Did you use a macro lens to take above pictures?

  5. I'm definitely getting in on this!


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