9 Sept 2013

Bike Repair Shop at Present

bike repair shop menswear, bike repair shop beam pole, korean clothing brands, bike repair shop present london uk, present menswear store, present streetwear, bike repair shop jumpers, mens jumpers yellow red black
bike repair shop menswear, bike repair shop beam pole, korean clothing brands, bike repair shop present london uk, present menswear store, present streetwear, bike repair shop jumpers, mens jumpers yellow red black
bike repair shop menswear, bike repair shop beam pole, korean clothing brands, bike repair shop present london uk, present menswear store, present streetwear, bike repair shop jumpers, mens jumpers yellow red black

Thinking about jumpers today, these knits by Korea brand Bike Repair Shop would be an interesting addition to the winter wardrobe. I'll be putting these straight onto the Bucket List.

Available at Present.

Thank you for all your Birthday wishes across the various platforms, it's always appreciated! I ended up having a lovely day, spending time with Hollie, eating lots of homemade Boston Cream Pie and spilling brand new whiskey all down my trousers. 


  1. those jumpers are fantastic!

  2. Happy belated birthday! These jumpers are super sweet. Wish my name began with 'B'. And don't speak of losing bags... the horror!

  3. wow great
    i love the first one

    Mi blog by Amo

  4. When I was in S. Korea earlier this Summer it was clear that they are on point! I felt like I was slumming it the whole time I was there!

  5. These are sweet!

    Boston cream pie and whisky, even if it spilled, sound quite nice - WAY better than cake and ice cream.

    PS- Go figure, you're a Virgo (they're known for having meticulous, exceptional taste). :)


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