31 Aug 2013

Carla Cascales's Horizons

carla cascales photographer photography, young photographers, carla cascales graphic designer, carla cascales horizons, travel photography, mens lifestyle
carla cascales photographer photography, young photographers, carla cascales graphic designer, carla cascales horizons, travel photography, mens lifestyle
carla cascales photographer photography, young photographers, carla cascales graphic designer, carla cascales horizons, travel photography, mens lifestyle
carla cascales photographer photography, young photographers, carla cascales graphic designer, carla cascales horizons, travel photography, mens lifestyle
carla cascales photographer photography, young photographers, carla cascales graphic designer, carla cascales horizons, travel photography, mens lifestyle

These Horizons by photographer and designer Carla Cascales's make me want to travel more, just pack up my bags and get gone. You know what I mean? A dog would just be an added bonus!

Enjoy your weekend guys, how are you spending your last few days of summer?

See more of Cascales's work here.


  1. yes me too! beautiful photographs

    i knew the owner of the old artistry, she is a partner of my close pal

    spending my last few days of summer painting the commission but im off to forest wedding next wednesday, gonna be fun

  2. I really like these, specifically the lines in them. I just started my last year (!) of school so, I'm back to the grind, but enjoying a weekend sans Emma. Our best friend gets married tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that.

  3. Oh wow, me too! I like how she mostly incorporates a path in the center of her picture. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wow, so beautiful!


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