18 May 2013


Enjoy your weekend folks. Surprisingly I actually have both days off this week. After helping at the food bank this morning my plans are to get out in the fresh air and have a cycle then spend some time with Hollie. We haven't had much time since she started her new job, that's what Sunday is for.

In the meantime you can me in the usual places;


  1. Have a lovely weekend Mat!

  2. The perfect blue sky! Check your email, I sent you a shout with a few places to check out while you're in town. :)

    Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Hope you've had a lovely weekend! It was very sunny yesterday in London so my boyfriend and I went for a walk at the park and cemetery near Stoke Newington, which were heavenly with an ice cream. I really like this picture, so blue x

  4. Anonymous23:04

    Hope you enjoyed your days off, you deserve it especially as you work a heck of a lot! The bike ride sounds like bliss!

    The job is a stock assistant position at Next, I'm generally more experienced on the shop floor in retail so hopefully it'll go okay! Think I'm more nervous with meeting the people there actually!

    Trying to look for another job too to gain full time hours, no luck as of yet. I'm trying to teach myself some design programs like illustraor and indesign. I'm getting better with illustrator, not had much of a chance at indesign. Hoping these skills may come in handy if I build a portfolio. Fine Art is a bit of an instant regret but I suppose there's no point in regretting, better to push forward!


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