10 Sept 2012

Nice Things #2 - The Birthday Presents

Lexon Calculator for those sums
Paris Versus New York by Vahram Muratyan
Loads more quality reading material
Oi Polloi gift voucher, back of the net

One of THEE greatest and jazziest cards ever!

Well it's that time of the year and the friends & family have come up trumps once again. On Sunday I turned the ripe old age of 27. I'm not where I thought I would be in life but I've got a roof over my head, two part time jobs, an internship and a wonderful girlfriend so it ain't all bad. The time will come, I just need to keep positive and pro-active. 

Even though I wasn't feeling my usual chipper self on Sunday morning we got the formalities out of the way and headed down to Avenham Park to check out the last day of the Preston Guild (a celebration of brilliant people and things in the area which only comes around every 20 years!). After an ice cream and some serious dog watching we headed back and got stuck into some presents.

It was a book-heavy year with no complaints. I've been after Paris Verses New York ever since I found out the blog had been turned into a book (or was it the opposite?), check out the blog; it illustrates the differences between the two cities in the form of cartoons. Roadside America is just about the best book I own now, it's full of weird and wonderful happenings from around the States. If you're into advertising, oddities or kitsch stuff then this is the book for you. The whole gang clubbed together to get me a gift voucher for Oi Polloi in Manchester, I usually can't afford anything in there other than socks so I can treat myself to some decent clobber.

Thank you all for your birthday wishes, here to another year.


  1. looks like a nice collection of books you got!

  2. Aaaw belatedly happy birthday love :)

    I love a good book-ish birthday, these will keep your quiet! And I know the voucher isn't really the focus but I love magpies so the design of that is really pretty in itself, without the value! :)

    ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad

  3. 27 eh? You're a nipper. I turned 28 this June and God am I starting to dread the big 3-0.

    You did well on the old b'day pressies front, hope you had a good one Mat.

  4. great things! very nice.

  5. Anonymous21:58

    Happy birthday! Can I borrow '1001 beers' when you've finished with it? Cheers =) x

  6. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a nice day, and got a good haul of stuff this year.

  7. Happy late Birthday, Mat! When I was 27 I was a single student mum with no income living in a council house flat - so hey! life's good :)

    Did I ever mention how much I like your new blog layout? It really looks great.

    Got to check out the Paris versus NY blog now... X

  8. Happy birthday! This is quite the haul. I am now quite anxious though, knowing there are at least 990 other beers out there I have to try in my lifetime :/

  9. Those books look well worth a read! I'll have to look at investing in a couple...

  10. Belated birthday wishes :) Great collection of gifts. It's easy to dwell on negatives, good to see that you aren't!

  11. I love getting books for my birthday, looks like a great little collection x

  12. 27...wow your OLD!

    (I joke, I joke)

    Nice haul :)

  13. Oh, I've wanted that Paris vs. New York book for ages (even though in my mind, there is a clear winner). They come in a set of prints too, right? That would be cool.

    And yeah, that card is awesome!

  14. Happy Belated Birthday dude! I'm 21 tomorrow and feel absolutely ancient already haha! Your gifts look wicked though :)

    XOXO Sade

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and thanks for the gift ideas :-)

  16. Great presents, loving all the books! Paris vs New York sounds amazing, I might buy it for myself. The calculator is pretty cool too


  17. It's really great when your friends know what you like. Cool stuff! Happy birthday again!


  18. Looks like a good turnout man. Glad you had a good day regardless of the morning. Scored some pretty nice gifts there too. I would say anything you photograph at you house makes it so much more striking though. I'm interested in that cycling style book, hope it's a good one. Happy Belated Birthday Matt!

  19. Happy birthday! Hope you enjoyed your day. Roadside America sounds great. X

  20. Yay, happy belated birthday! I love that Paris versus New York book, we have it at work. Definitely ordering in Roadside America now as well though!


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