1 Jun 2012

Behind The Scenes

Everyone has their own way of doing things when it comes to photography, mine happens to be quite make-shift. 3 DVDs, 2 books, 1 90s suitcase, 1 steel stool(which I found), 1 turquoise background and 1 Canon 360d. A tripod is something I've wanted for a few years now but I've for reasons unknown to me I haven't got around to buying one. But I'll make do, my funny little set up isn't practical but it does the job.

Maybe I'm ruining it like those "magic tricks reveled" shows that you never see anymore but I don't mind. So there you go, do you guys have any funny little set ups or is it a much more professional situation?


  1. Anonymous09:33

    It's funny you do this, since my tripod broke I've been using books, dvds and a chair to take my photographs. I could get a new one, the first was a cheapo amazon one (which is why it probably broke!) but at the moment the odds and ends I use work so why change it! The tripod caused more problems, having to screw it on all the time was a real pain in he backside!

  2. once i used the back side of my mattress to pin up some clothes i needed to take a photo of. it was a bit funny but it worked out well considering i'm not even a semi-pro photographer.


  3. I use a brick wall, if there's one readily available. Curbstones have been used in the past. We're both professional bloggers, of course.

  4. Hahhaahahah! We all do that don't worry! Don't having a tripod could result o finding new angles to take a shot also!

    mmmi don't know any secrets...well everybody thinks i draw with a tablet so they get amused when they found out i'm still using my mouse.

    One day qe're gonna have our little things and be super professional! the day will come!


  5. My life is full of improvised tripods!

  6. I don't have a tripod either.. ))
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  7. I'm guilty for made-do tripods too, but it's just... I don't know, I also wonder why I never actually buy a tripod. :/

  8. Ahahahahahaaha!! Love this!

    My tripod for taking photos of little things for my blog is also a pie of DVDs! So easy to alter height!

  9. haha! This is what I used to do before I finally got around to getting a tripod! Have to say it was a revalation when the tripod finally came into my life!

  10. this is so funny :) i still haven't bought a tripod either, books are my tripod!

  11. Haha, this is the type of thing I always resort to!- quite a clever, cheap idea really


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