3 Jan 2012

Advertising - HSBC's Latest Campaign

Following on from the toothpaste first I think we've got another one, a post about a bank! As always, interesting and clever stuff comes from anywhere so today I'm sharing HSBC's latest campaign with you. I was drawn to these ads as the idea is very similar to a few campaigns I did whilst I was on my Fashion Promotion degree. The idea behind these sorts of ads is to create an image and strap line which usually have multiple meanings. It's quite a simple idea but these are the sort of ads that really catch my attention, something with a meaningful message but are done with a big of humor.

I guess it took me back to why 2011 was such a great year for me. To graduate was the biggest achievement of my life, really something I will never forget. Boy was it a tough 4 years but it changed me. My professional attitude, ideas and skills all came on leaps and bounds. It may have been expensive but for what, the best 4 years of my life? Surely that makes it worth it.

I'm setting a few goals this year, to pass my driving test, find a full time job (and move away) and properly start my career. As well as the big 2 I am planning on widening my cooking skills, staying in good health and keep up with the old blogging! What are your big goals?

It's weird talking about a bank on here but it's all about the ads. There from here.


  1. Anonymous21:10

    I haven't seen these yet, I can see them now on billboards, catching my attention on a bus journey uni.

    My course tends to cost a fair bit of dosh too. However, you're right about it beng worth it for the best years of your life. I graduate May time and I'm sure going to miss it.

    Right with you with passing the driving test. How are you coming along by the way? I still need to apply for my Theory, I still don't feel like I know enough though and I hear it's changing this year, probably for the worse.

    You'll do fine, you've got heaps of talent from what I've seen so far. A project I've wanted to start for ages is an illustration/handmade craft shop but there's so many on the market that I just tend to give up.

  2. I always really enjoy HSBC's advertising campaigns... can't believe I'm saying that about a bank! Congratulations on a great year!

  3. Thumbs up, milady.


  4. The campaigns truly are awesome, I adore their concept! And I hope you achieve your goals that you've set <3

  5. Well i hope this year brings all the luck for you to acomplish this new dreams... no, no dreams... GOALS.. so it sound more aproachable and realistic ;).

    It´s weird how sometime we can find the coolest campaings in the oddest products or sevrices. Love the message of this one. I only disagree with the mamushkas one. If there are no new markets.. everything is gonna be boring for us designers!!!!!!! We are always looking for the new exciting emerging thing! The publicist who did this campaign should known better! hahahaha...


  6. I love this ad campaign -- thanks for sharing! Images that convey so much sparingly always grab my attention. Favorite image: the banana windmills!

    Happy New Year!


  7. Anonymous11:47

    Wow that is a powerful ad - particularly the russian dolls, no markets...That's a scary thought.

    Well done on a good year, may this one be a even more successful one!

  8. Zack Smith14:50

    it was a wonderful chance to visit this kind of site and I am happy to know. thank you so much for giving us a chance to have this opportunity.. www.mediapulsertb.com


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