8 Nov 2011

Inspiration: Max de Esteban's Proposition One

Evening all. This is technically a re-blog but I came across these x-rays by photographer Max de Esteban over on Selectism this afternoon. They got me pretty excited and my first instinct was, "I have to blog about this". He used an x-ray technique to create them, using various types of electronics as the subject. The idea behind the series is, "the consequences of today’s accelerated embracement of new technologies and formats in the art practice". I can appreciate the meaning behind these and it got me thinking just how quick the turnover is on the newest gadget, which then quickly becomes old hat. I tend to hang onto old electronics, probably because I hoard these things like many of us do but also because of a memory it might evoke or just as simple as it being someone's interesting design decision.

It also made me want to whack out my film camera, which I know I neglect. Is this ringing any bells, which products do you tend to neglect?

If you happen to be in New York Max Esteban's Proposition One is currently exhibiting at the Klompching Gallery until 9th December. Images from his site.

In other news, I still haven't decided on the trainers but I will hopefully be trying a few of them on soon, thanks for all your opinions.


  1. Oh wow !!

    hmm i must buy some ribbon for my typewriter!

  2. Oh gee, wouldn't it be amazing if we could use cameras or type-writers like these - all see through! I sometimes throw a flirtatious look at my old non-digital cameras, but then I'm just too lazy to get film.

  3. I have a bunch of perfectly good polaroid film that I neglect, definitely..

    It's always nice to use older products, especially film cameras, but it isn't very convenient.. I think that's the issue with them

  4. Anonymous09:39

    These are lovely! My friend has a beautifully printed canvas tote bag with a similar style image (I'm guessing not from this particular artist) on the front which I adore.
    Nothing photographic, but my sewing machine has been majorly neglected for a little while now, really must show it some love sometime.
    L x

  5. wish for polaroid, its classic and long last


  6. The nerd inside of me looooves this. I've been neglecting my film camera for years. Maybe I'll dig it out.

  7. Anonymous19:47

    I bought myself a vintage camera off ebay as it was going cheap, But like you I neglect it. I think christmas may be the perfect time to dust it off and capture some moments.

    I keep old technology also because like you said they hold memories! I still have old phones for example, I can't get rid. They have images on them from the early 00's and it's so funny thinking back then how amazing it was; how crisp and clear these images were and then compared with say my camera there is no compitition! I still have a phone where you have to attach the camera seperatly to the phone! It's seriously old school!

    I think my walkman is somewhere in the house too - along with my spice girls CD's! Ahh the 90's!

    These images are incredibly fasinating! I like the sort of theory that even though they're obsolete objects they're 'reborn' in a sense, being used as art.

    I wish I was in New York to check out Esteban's exhibition! Anyone who manages to have a gander is a lucky devil indeed! Jesus, this was a long comment!

  8. Anonymous19:49

    btw have you heard of this website "http://www.linkedin.com/" ? My friend mentioned it to me today and said it's a great way of networking. I have no idea how to work it yet as I've just had a glance but it's sort of like facebook I believe, but more business like!

  9. Love that post, it's like mágic :)



  10. This is awesome! Anything that encourages you to bust out the old film camera can only be a good thing. xx

  11. the fist one is stunning !

  12. These are very cool, and kind of saddening in a way too. How many old relics do we have in our attics and garages which still work but we nolonger use? I'm quite a technophobe really and rarely get new things unless it's absolutely necessary - saying that I still haven't forgiven my Holga camera from last FEBRUARY when the film failed me!! ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad

  13. These are insane. In a great way. I love that they're all white as well & he's chosen sort of weird things to x ray. I agree about the neglecting of gadgets though. Every summer I rediscover my lomo camera & I think my digital one resents the fact that I only use it to take like outfit posts & things...

    Thanks for the lipstick tip! Sorry I can't return the favor on the trainers... I say always go to nike.

  14. Anonymous13:11

    what creative idea, love love the typwriter image! x

  15. really cool! to see the inside of this wonderfull machines who changed our lifes! hahah So there are no oompa lumpas working inside my camara??? hahah



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