17 Jun 2011

Book - Ava's Styling, Featuring Buckets & Spades

2-page spread featuring Buckets! Zoom in to read the full article.
Clare gets 2 pages too.

Following on from my post last week on Ava's Menswear last week, where I mentioned that I have had an article published, well feast you eyes because here it is. The article features in Ava's Fashion Design 08: Styling. Both myself and Clare were asked to take part in a short interview on the subject of blogging, which seems even more relevant now as it did at the time. At a guess it was about a year 1/2 ago.

I have to say it's given me the biggest buzz to see something with my name on it actually published in that is on sale, my mum will be proud! 

I will do a proper review of the book soon, if you want to buy a copy it's available here.


  1. i love what you wrote and your honesty about fashion blogs where their aim is to become blog famous. With yours i feel that your popularity was a natural occurrence rather than something seeking for rewards.

    i have come across alot of blogs where im feeling talked down to in a sense and the way you write is truly genuine.

    also your blog isnt just full of fashion. i like the fact you post stuff that truly interests you and the reader can get a sense of individual character.

    more to the point, congrats on getting published!

  2. Ah, I know I said it but I'll say it again- well done and a massive congrats! It's so exciting :)

  3. infamy! aha, this is such an achievement, well done to you (and to clare!)


  4. Congratulations - that's fantastic!!

  5. Wow, congratulations! If that was me I'd be over the moon!

  6. That's seriously awesome- so proud of you. I love how you wrote about the blog. I've always loved your writing!

    I went to Glasgow when I was younger and barely remembered anything! But I do just remember one amazing and biiiig church in the town. Oh and it was so so cold up there! Went on April, I think.


  7. Massive congratulations :) Seeing your work in print is so exciting. I've had some short stories published and seeing them in print was the ultimate high point. *two enthusiastic thumbs up*

    What you wrote about the difference between menswear blogs and the standard women's fashion blogs is true and is part of the reason I enjoy menswear blogs so much and always hanker after more. I find the writing itself can often be far more mature and there's more consideration given to the details/colour rhythm/chosen aesthetic for a collection/overall history of the label. I'm not really sure why this is.. *shrug* Seems like women are more susceptible to the addictive nature of trend-led fast fashion than guys.

    In response to your request for good fiction, I hope this little shortlist is not too cliché:

    Milan Kundera, William Burroughs, Anais Nin, Jack Kerouac, Bret Easton Ellis, Philip K Dick, Kurt Vonnegut, Charles Bukowski, Mary Gaitskill, Anne Enright, Patrick Hamilton, F Scott Fitzgerald, JG Ballard, Graham Greene, Antony Burgess.

  8. Anonymous22:35

    Really well done with your article. Yeah I can find some blogs to be a bit in your face which is hard to digest. I have yet to tell anyone I physically know about mine yet, I like how it's sort of tucked away.

    Same here with the surrealism movement, my work is based on the surreal, kind of bonkers element as I just love creating these sort of weird, collasped like forms. My mum would rather me paint landscapes though bless her!

    Had a good nose at those strange photographs and especially found this one (http://s-ak.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/terminal01/2011/3/18/15/enhanced-buzz-32476-1300477632-19.jpg) disturbing! Also enjoy Scotland!

  9. wow this look awesome !


    claire, x


  10. how wonderful for you and clare, this is amazing! congratulations. :) x

  11. Huge congrats to both you and clare.
    I'm not suprised it's given you a buzz, for want of a better description, it's pretty frickin' awesome!
    Can't wait to see the book review now

  12. congratulations on the publication.

  13. I'm so excited for you. This is such a big deal!

  14. congratulations!!

  15. How very interesting. Congratulations!

  16. congrats!! this is a good job!


  17. Very exciting! Congrats x

  18. Awesome! Congrats!!!

  19. never mind your mum...YOU should be proud :D

  20. that is seriously awesome!! congratulations!

  21. Congrats! You deserve it. Your blog is one of the best fashion blogs on the WWW. :D

  22. Congratulations on the article - I really like your blogging style, keep it up!

    Miri's Castle

  23. This is fantastic! Well done Mat! I loved what you wrote about blogging integrity, I dunno about the UK but here in America there are sooooo many blogs out there for freebies! Its so disgusting! Where I work I get an email a week asking us to give them something for free for a giveaway. Normally I keep an open mind but not once has it been a blog I'd actually care for...

  24. Blake17:18

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