20 Jul 2010

Testing Out A New Lens

Well not strictly a new lens, but Jamesy trying out the camera on the new iphone. Wearing my new Gap shirt.

Turns out there loads of type of effects and lens you can download for the iphone camera, now I know this may not be a new thing but I'm really liking its capabilities. There's even Diana lens and other 50s ones, for anyone who follows me on Twitter you may have seen loads of tweets about me trying to decide which digital camera to buy. I've settled on the Canon IXUS 95 IS and it should be arriving tomorrow. I will still be using my SLR but for the more quick snappier times this is going to come in handy.

I was looking enough to do attend a group interview with footwear designer Nicholas Kirkwood today, for The Manchester Fashion Network. Once it's up on the site I will post the interview on here, for all to see!

Thanks for all your comments on the last post regarding Tilly the dog, sadly Hollie had to have her put down a couple of days ago as she got much worse. It's really sad to think I won't hear her baking at me when I come through the front door ever again. Bye bye Tilly.

A special mention to That's So Yesterday, who mentioned me on her first video blog orrr vlog, everyone should check it out, it's a super cool idea and she does it really well. I'd do one but I have a silly Blackpool accent.


  1. sorry again to hear about Tilly and I hope you are deeling better soon :( big hugs to you and Hollie.

    Oh I so want a Diana camera ...I may have to get one from urban outfitters. Oh I did not know you could download lens that is so cool. will have to tell the bf. Hope you have a better week x

  2. i'm so sorry to hear about your dear dog tilly, mat. i can only imagine how you must be feeling, i remember when i saw my nan after she got her oldest cat pput down, it was the saddest thing. i hope you and hollie start to feel better soon!

    cute shirt, by the way. and me, the queen of bargains? no way, mister. i think vintage vixen (have you read her blog?) holds that title! hehe.

    love, jazzabelle. xxx

  3. Anonymous23:18

    oh dear, thats so sad about little tilly :( hope you & hollie feel better soon...you've just got to concentrate on all the happy memories you have of her.

    are those lenses for the camera on the iphone 4? think i'm due to upgrade mine at the end of the year...i seriously can't live without my iphone these days!

    i was just thinking about vlogs today too...i concluded that i won't be doing one as i hate the sound of my midlands/scouse accent haha :)


  4. Awwwww doggy... very sad. I remember crying for days when my mum gave my 4 month old golden cocker spaniel away - well it did have red rage and would go for me every time I went to stroke it - I just wanted it to love me. HA

    Mate - I hope you are wrong in regards to the price points. I was hoping to get my mitts on that tweed blazer too. Im trying to save in preparation for my move to the big smoke - not gunna happen.

    Yours Truly


  5. So sorry to hear about Tilly, and I love the effect on the picture, I can't believe that it's taken by iphone, really handy indeed, wishing you a wonderful day, xoxo

  6. I'm sorry about Tilly :[ I didn't know her situation was so severe. I'm sure she was well loved and had a good life ;_;

  7. i remember when our 7-year-old dalmatian died. his name was Shakespeare and he was a huge sweet doggy. now i'm starting to miss him.

  8. I'm really sorry to hear about your dog.=( It is like a member of your family passing.
    Love you blog, I'm a new follower.=)

    Off The Wardrobe

  9. Anonymous09:23

    I'm soo sorry to hear about Tilly. It sounds like she had a wonderful life though, with a caring family around her.


  10. i need to find some good photography apps on my iphone - i never know what to buy !

  11. Poor Tilly, I'm so sorry to hear that.

    Hope your new camera arrives and cheers you up - will look forward to the photos!

  12. AT&T doesn't work in my building (I live in a cement-based soft loft) so I can't get an IPhone or those cool apps. Boo.
    Your pics look great though.

  13. Aaaw so sorry to hear about Tilly :( Look after your girly, they did the right thing if she wasn't going to get any better :(

    RE camera.. glad you settled on one in the end, you should go on a day out somewhere to experiment with it once its arrived ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad

  14. I'm sorry to hear about Tilly.

    Great pictures though and I'm looking forward to see more of them!

  15. I'm pretty impressed by the quality of the iphone camera and will definitely look into the apps for even more fun. These are great pics! So sorry to hear about Tilly! I'm sure she had a great life with you 2.

  16. aaaww so sorry to hear about Tilly, she seemed like a sweetheart. I lost a dog not too long ago, and it's heartbreaking! A member of the family gone! But the joy they bring can't be forgotten....

    all the best!

  17. oh and yes, hipstamatic for the iphone...best app ever! I don't even own an iphone but I want to get it just for that application! it's like things I try to do with my photos! amazing!


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