6 Apr 2010

The Varsity Jacket

Heritage Research Varsity Jacket, exclusively at Oi Polloi

Clearly out of my price range, over the next few weeks I will be searching for something similar (that doesn't have massive sleeves), in the charity/vintage shops. It's not too gimmicky and not so much a colour that can look dated easily. Saying that, it's all about the fit. I'm on to a winner here.


  1. Have you checked ASOS? I know they have a selection of varsity jackets there, in a range of different prices. Also, try searching for them under the term "baseball jackets" as that's what they're often called as well.

  2. That jacket is lovely! I've seen quite a few good ones in vintage shops around london but yes, most seem to be strangely oversized! Good luck on your quest :)

  3. Rather lovely, much better than the bright and tacky ones...

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  4. Anonymous23:45

    that jacket is GREAT! good luck finding a vintage version :)


  5. I bet they're fairly common in thrift stores. Maybe ebay as well?

  6. what a fantastic choice, the colours are great! i especially love grey :) good luck with finding your perfect one!

  7. Anonymous20:05

    Omg i love these jackets, i`m so going to buy one:)

    X Factory Girl


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