8 Oct 2009

Quick DIY Project

This is possibly the quickest and easiest DIY project I have ever done. I've seen there Karl Who? bags knocking about the net for a while and I know you could get them at Colette for €50. But it seems very unnecessary to even pay for a bag that is so easy to do yourself. Even Karl himself got in on the act.

Alls you need:

1 plain canvas tote bag ( picked one up on ebay for 85p)
Black acrylic paint - Has to be acrylic as it's water resistant
1 paintbrush

That's it. Make sure you cover the area in newspaper and place newspaper inside the bag, to prevent paint transferring through to the other side.

And paint away, simples! Make sure you don't make the "who" to big and squish the "?" up like I did though.


  1. I definitely don't have €50 to spend on an easily imitated DIY tote. Think I might make one myself and an additional one with my name on it (just cause no one'll get it and I'm just that spesh, haha).

  2. i had that thought too! i also thought about painting karls face on the other side, but i dont want to mess it up

  3. love this bag -ive seen it on other blogs 2!Very diy however it looks good!


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